The law of not expecting

One of my greatest learning’s was to learn to not expect outcomes, especially not to expect people to behave in ways that I want. When I realized that I needed to do my part, do what I could and then step away from the outcome, life improved immeasurably.

Many of us believe that we deserve things in life or deserve people to behave in a way we would like. A big example of this thought process is giving someone something with the expectation of gratitude or reciprocation. Sometimes that happens but when it doesn’t it can be very troubling. That’s until you change your belief system not to expect!

And again a word of caution. This Law is not an excuse to either give up trying or give up on generosity. It’s definitely not. It’s very important to pursue your goals and dreams and continue to be generous in your giving to others. The key is to pursue without an expectation of success or gratitude on your terms.

What success or gratitude comes your way should be an unsolicited bonus.

In my next Blog another reality check in this area … ‘The Law of Daily Learning’s’.

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