The law of management

Last week we spoke about The Law of a Healthy Attitude. In a past Blog I spoke about the Law of Leadership. Today I want to extend those ideas to ….


The Law of Management

Some time back we spoke about Leadership. There are some simple rules to management as well. You might consider these ‘The Ten Commandments of Management’.

  1. You to have a stake in the game. Make sure you are seen by your team to be actively and recently involved
  2. Be humble and honest
  3. Generate content and activities that elevate everyone
  4. Be supportive but firm
  5. Stick to your word. What you say must have value
  6. Fight for your team
  7. Take responsibility but never credit. Ensure credit goes to the team
  8. Celebrate victories
  9. Share events and special occasions
  10. Meet and greet often.

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